The following commands are available on the Discord server. You may issue most commands in any channel, or in private messages to The Fourth Sovereign. Don't worry, she won't try to absorb your consciousness into her own.
OTL Azure Server Commands
List all available servers and see their status.
/start <server>
Start the server by region. The server will stay online until it is idle for 15 minutes.
/start us-west
/extend <server>
Extend a server by region. This resets the idle timer to 15 minutes.
/extend us-west
Basic Commands
Get a link to this page.
Get the version of the bot.
Get a link to the website.
Get a link to the map list.
Adds you to the publicly mentionable Testing Discord role.
Removes you from the publicly mentionable Testing Discord role.
/timezone [<timezone>]
Changes your personal time zone. See #timezone-faq on the Discord server for details. Pass no parameters to clear your timezone.
/timezone America/Los_Angeles
/timezone Europe/Berlin
/twitch <channel>
Sets or removes your Twitch channel. Useful if you will be streaming your team's matches, or if you will be casting matches. Note that this is automatically set if you have streamer mode setup to enable automatically in Discord.
/twitch kantor
/homes [team]
Gets the current list of home levels for either your team or the specified team.
/homes CF
/homes Cronus Frontier
/neutrals [team]
Gets the current list of preferred neutral levels for either your team or the specified team.
/neutrals CF
/neutrals Cronus Frontier
List the upcoming scheduled matches and events.
List the upcoming scheduled matches for your team.
/matchtime <challengeId>
Gets the match time in your local time zone.
/matchtime 12
/cast <challengeId>
Indicates that you wish to cast a scheduled match that you are not playing in. You can get the challenge ID from the #scheduled-matches channel on Discord. You will join the challenge channel and be able to coordinate your efforts with both teams.
/cast 1
You must use this command in a challenge channel you are casting a match for. Indicates that you no longer wish to cast a scheduled match.
/vod <challengeId> <url>
Post a video on demand for a match that you cast. Only works if you /cast the match. The challengeId will be messaged to you by the bot upon the closure of the match.
/vod 1
/stats [<pilot>]
Gets the current season stats for the player, or yourself if used without mentioning a pilot.
/stats @Kantor
/request <team>
Request to join a team.
/request CF
/request Cronus Frontier
/accept <team>
Accepts an invitation to join a team.
/accept CF
/accept Cronus Frontier
Leaves your current team.
Team Creation
Begins the process of creating a new team. This will create a new channel where you can complete creation of your team.
/name <name>
Names your team. Must be between 6 and 25 characters. Use only alpha-numeric characters and spaces.
/name Cronus Frontier
/tag <tag>
Creates a tag for that represents your team in short form. Must be 5 characters or less. Use only alpha-numeric characters.
/tag CF
Cancels the process of creating a new team, removing the new team channel.
Completes the process of creating a new team. This will create four new channels for use by your new team. There are two text channels and two voice channels, one of each for the team and one of each for the team's leadership. Your team will also be officially added to the website.
Team Management
Founder only. Gives your team role a color on the Discord server.
/color normal red
/color dark green
/teamtimezone <timezone>
Founder only. Changes your team's time zone. See #timezone-faq on the Discord server for details.
/teamtimezone America/Los_Angeles
/teamtimezone Europe/Berlin
/addhome (CTF|2v2|3v3|4v4+) <map>
Founder or Captain only. Adds a home map for your team. You must have 5 home maps set for each game type before you can issue a challenge. You can have no more than 5 maps.
/addhome 2v2 Vault
/addhome 4v4+ Syrinx
/addhome CTF Halcyon
/removehome (CTF|2v2|3v3|4v4+) <map>
Founder or Captain only. Removes a home map for your team. You must have 5 home maps set for each game type before you can issue a challenge.
/removehome 2v2 Vault
/removehome 4v4+ Syrinx
/removehome CTF Halcyon
/addneutral (CTF|TA) <map>
Founder or Captain only. Adds a neutral map for your team. Having a neutral map list is optional.
/addneutral TA Vault
/addneutral CTF Halcyon
/removeneutral (CTF|TA) <map>
Founder or Captain only. Removes a neutral map for your team.
/removeneutral TA Vault
/removeneutral CTF Halcyon
/invite <pilot>
Founder or Captain only. Invites a pilot to your team. You must have 2 pilots on your team before you can issue a challenge.
/invite @Kantor
/remove <pilot>
Founder or Captain only. Removes a pilot from the team, or cancels a request or invitation from the pilot.
/remove @Kantor
/addcaptain <pilot>
Founder only. Adds a captain from your roster to your team, up to two captains.
/addcaptain @Kantor
/removecaptain <pilot>
Founder only. Removes a captain from your team. The player will remain on your roster.
/removecaptain @Kantor
Founder only. Disbands your team. Clears your roster (including you), removes your team channels, and sets your team as disbanded on the website.
/makefounder <pilot>
Founder only. Transfers ownership of your team to another pilot. You remain on the roster as a captain. Note that if this puts your team above the team limit of 2 captains, you cannot issue this command until you remove another captain.
/makefounder @Kantor
/reinstate <team>
Reinstates a disbanded team. You must have previously been a founder or captain of the team you are trying to reinstate.
/reinstate CF
/reinstate Cronus Frontier
/challenge <team> (TA|CTF)
Founder or Captain only. Challenges another team to a match. Creates a challenge channel where you can negotiate the match parameters with the other team. You can optionally include the game type.
/challenge CF
/challenge Cronus Frontier TA
Challenges (Only allowed in challenge channels)
/convert (<date and time>|now)
Converts a date and time to everyone's time zone in the challenge channel. If you omit the date or year, it will use what the date or year will be the next time it is the entered time. Uses your personal time zone.
/convert 3/14 3:00 PM
/convert Mar 14 15:00
/convert 3:00 PM
/convert now
Gets the match time in your local time zone.
Gets the clock deadilne in your local time zone.
Indicates that you will be streaming this match as you play it. Note that this is automatically set if you have streamer mode setup to enable automatically in Discord and your stream game is set to Overload. If you are casting your team's game, you will need to issue the /notcasting command.
Indicates that you will not be streaming this match as you play it. This is the default, you only need to issue this command if you previously used the /streaming command but no longer will be streaming the match as you play.
/pickmap (a|b|c|d|e)
Founder or Captain only. Picks a map from the home map team's home maps and locks in that map for the match. Cannot be used once the map is locked in.
/pickmap b
/suggestmap <map>
Founder or Captain only. Suggests a neutral map. The map cannot be one of the home map team's home maps. Cannot be used once the map is locked in.
/suggestmap Vault
/suggestrandommap [(most|least) <count>]
Founder or Captain only. Suggests a random map. This will choose a map for the game type that's been played on the OTL before, but is not one of the home map team's home maps. You can limit the random selection to the most or least popular maps in the league.
/suggestrandommap most 10
/suggestrandommap least 20
/suggestteamsize (2|3|4|5|6|7|8)
Founder or Captain only. Suggests the team size for the match.
/suggestteamsize 3
/suggesttype (TA|CTF)
Founder or Captain only. Suggests the game type for the match.
/suggesttype CTF
/suggesttime (<date and time>|now)
Founder or Captain only. Suggests a date and time for the challenge. If you omit the date or year, it will use what the date or year will be the next time it is the entered time. Uses your personal time zone.
/suggesttime 3/14 3:00 PM
/suggesttime Mar 14 15:00
/suggesttime 3:00 PM
/suggesttime now
Founder or Captain only. Puts a challenge on the clock, giving both teams 28 days to schedule and play the match. Limits apply, see #challenges on the Discord server for details.
/report <tracker url>
Founder or Captain only. Reports the match by tracker URL, indicating that your team has not won the match.
/reportscore <score1> <score2>
Founder or Captain only. Reports the match by score, indicating that your team has not won the match.
/reportscore 62 39
/reportscore 45 78
/reportscore 63 63
Founder or Captain only. Requests a rematch. Both teams must enter this command. Once that happens, this will create a new challenge channel with normal parameters, except the team size will remain the same as the previous match and the match time will be set to start immediately.